The Conservatives won the federal election! Despite all the party-bashing at the office, postulation of Steven Harper leading Canada to destruction, I know that won't be the case. It's not just about 'change'. It's not about right or left. It's about right and wrong. This nation was built on godly principles, and that's why it's blessed with resources. But its current state will only dwindle if we let Liberals take over.
Just finished watching Harry Potter - Goblet of Fire. I would say it's on par with the first one.
I know some people who have bad days for no reason. They just wake up and just surrender to the belief that they will have a bad day, and very expectedly, they do. They shouldn't be surpised; your mind controls the rest of your body. If you succumb to the negative mentality, your whole body prepares and expects it. Like preparing for an attack from a flu virus, your immune system prepares and expects the virus. Lending power to the belief that you're going to have a bad day only manifests it.
So like that, I refuse to wake up and allow myself to believe that it's going to be a bad day. God didn't make me defeatist in the way I live. He made me so that I may delight in Him and glorify His name. He made me to rejoice and have joy and gladness overflowing my heart. He made me and decided to have a relationship with me so that I would be victorious as a child of God. A relationship in which He swore to give me much and love me as I was. So that when I come across something that He gaves me, I rejoice all the more.
Lord, thanks for telling me my security pass was in the laundry bin. I would not have known to look in there had you not told me...what with all the moving clutter surrounding me.