Sunday, February 05, 2006

I am free

The tremendous testing has been lifted off my chest. It feels good to know that I am not under the pressure anymore. Whatever happens, doing well or not doing well, I leave that in Your hands. I did the best I could. Now I just have to wait to glorfiy Him.

A lot of thoughts have been flooding in, along with many responsibilities that have been waiting for me. You tell me now to worry, because tommorrow has its worries. Tommorrow has arrived, and I will resume the work that You have left for me. And I simply be the channel in which all comes from You.

There were so many new faces at church today. I feel certain and assured that this next month and a half will be great and God will move and we will testify to Your work.

You're awesome.

Korean dramas, Pangaea, fun and games, here I come!

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