Friday, March 24, 2006


I'm packing for my NYC trip. I'm so tired, but can't sleep since I gotta head to work early tommorrow for the budget report.

Speaking of KGV, our high school stories, detention, friends that passed away and family...a seemingly undissolvable ache formed in my heart. Closing my eyes, I remembered that boy, Timothy Law, and even though I didn't know him, I felt your grief for more than an instant. To be only 21, and have three of friends pass away to cancer, to suicide, to reckless driving.

These memories are yours, but let me borrow them for a moment.

On Sports Day, you and I talked, while you sat in your wheelchair with an IV drip extending from your hand. Though you were still on morphine and tired from chemo, you said one day you would get better and we'd have a basketball match. The light and hope shined in your eyes, while you said you would win. Believing with all my heart, I believed you would keep your promise...

Jin wan, shi jue hao shang hen dai. Ku ye ku dao shing tong. Na kk ta mol-a-sso-yo. Na al-go-ship-o-yo.
Moreover, I pray that You bind his heart, help him to see beyond and also understand, that even though he might not know why You did it. Let him hold no anger or bitterness against You. But understand that Timothy testified of You, of Your Grace...and also unconsciously motivated him to live his life well. Because he has health.

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