Sunday, June 03, 2007

Hearing God's Voice Part III

Being able to hear God's voice - three steps

1) Availability - no better time than the present (SCHEDULE THE TIME FOR HIM)
Matthew 4 - Man cannot live on bread alone, but only the Word of Life;
Isaiah 40 (those who wait on the Lord soar on the wings of eagles);
Daniel 6 - example who spent regular time with the Lord
*disobeying nudgings = won't get them anymore

2) Willingness
John 7:16 onwards. If you are willing to obey, you'll know it's Him.
He speaks in ways He will test us, make us grow
Acts 8 - Paul listened
Be blessed by taking that step of faith - decision that takes the most?

3) Humility - discernment
- If only we see how God is protecting us with His angels, His omnipotence
Numbers 12 - Moses most humblest man on face on earth - could speak to God face to face.
"if God is for you who can be against you???
God: You're a fool.
You: Yes I am.

God: You're the king of the universe.
You: Yes I am.

Psalm 138
Matthew 23

God most abhors pride.

Question: Why do I want to hear God's voice?
Need only?
His children.
Ephesians 5:10

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